Giant Bot

(27-06-2020 19:11:28)

Hello again, the time has come to show you what i have worked on ! Giant Bot ! This awesome project was just released and anyone who ever played Giants Citizen Kabuto game, has another reason to keep it playing, i just released bots for this game and will work on their improvements over the time. Checkout projects section for link, further details, and of course for download. Enjoy !

Sorry! board game under development

(13-07-2017 13:40:00)

Hello dear community, the time has come to start another cool project, this time we will move on games, starting with Sorry! board game which we all know from our childhood. The game creation has just started alongside with it's website so it will take a while to finish it all.. Game will be available for windows and android and maybe other platforms later on. Stay tuned for news and updates ! :)

KeyLed project online

(22-05-2017 16:16:00)

Hello visitors, finally it is here, official launch of my first project called KeyLed - A simple but effective application for logitech keyboards, checkout "projects" section for link.